Experimental studies on the effect of Chlorpyrifos on rats. VI. Population of intestinal mast cells and hypersensitivity reactions.


  • Prof. Dr. Ghyath Salih Mahmoud Medical Laboratory Technique Department AL Salam University College
  • Dr. Wael Adil Obaid Medical Laboratory Technique Department AL Salam University College




This study aims to know the effect of the insecticide ”Chlorpyrifos. It is one of the
organophosphorous compounds” on the increase and proliferation of Mast Cells MC) in the intestines
of rats, and 110 male rats were used for this purpose, they were divided into four groups: The first group
was assigned as a control group. The second, third and fourth groups were dosed with specific doses of
the insect slave Chloria brevus as mentioned in its previous study (Al-Dursi. The mucosa (Sub mucosa)
and the mucosa layer (Mucosa) of the intestines of rats exposed to the insect compared to rats of the
first group (control group).This study also showed that a large number of mast cells were scattered in the
muscular layer and the submucosal layer, while the mucosa layer witnessed Fewer mast cells (especially
in the second group of rats that received a repeated daily dose).mical Examination) that the mast cells
(MC) in the muscular and submucosal layer were of sound structure and shape, but they degranulated
(degranulated) and emptied their contents of vasoactive amines when they migrated to the mucous layer,
especially between epithelial cells, and this confirms the occurrence of hypersensitivity (Hypersensitivity
reaction) to cross into the lumen of the intestine.




How to Cite

Prof. Dr. Ghyath Salih Mahmoud, & Dr. Wael Adil Obaid. (2022). Experimental studies on the effect of Chlorpyrifos on rats. VI. Population of intestinal mast cells and hypersensitivity reactions. Al-Salam Journal for Medical Science, 1(1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.55145/ajbms.2022.1.1.002


