Smart and cost-effective water quality monitoring system: University of Baghdad canal case study


  • Faik Kadim Obaid Environmental Engineering Department/College of Engineering/University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Hussein Jabar Khadim Environmental Engineering Department/College of Engineering/University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • ASMAA A. JAWAD Forensic DNA Center for Research and Training, AL-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.



Polluted water causes diseases, affecting the ecosystem. Water quality is crucial due to high demand. Regular monitoring is essential for a consistent supply of fresh water. Internet of Things (IoT) advancements enable real-time monitoring and timely intervention for water quality issues. The current investigation evaluated a proposed smart, cost effective, high-efficacy IoT application of a water quality detection device that real-time monitors six measurement points along the University of Baghdad canal for five water quality parameters. With the Arduino platform and specific sensor properties, a low-cost monitoring system has been built. The data is shown on an LCD monitoring screen and presented on a Wi-Fi module before being transferred to the cloud and presented on a smartphone and internet platform. The results from the monitoring system for both winter and spring water quality are within the permissible limit according to standard limitations were average pH 7.687, total dissolved solid 406.75 mg/l, turbidity 25.883 NTU, and electrical conductivity 630.8 µS/cm. This framework may successfully offer an environment where there is enough water for agricultural purposes while also keeping a careful check on the contamination of water resources. On the other hand, this permits a well-managed water quality standard.




How to Cite

Obaid, F. K., Khadim, H. J., & JAWAD, A. A. (2024). Smart and cost-effective water quality monitoring system: University of Baghdad canal case study. Al-Salam Journal for Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 50–58.


