Effective Design of Secure Cipher Application Based on Digital Alteration Technical


  • Saja Jumaa College of Computer Sciences and Mathmatics ,Tikrit University, Tikrit
  • Dr.Qusay Abboodi Ali College of administration and economics , Tikrit University , Head of Technical , Tikrit , Iraq
  • Dr. Mshari A. Alshmmri College of Computer Science and Mathmatics , Tikrit University , Tikrit , Iraq




Secure Cipher, Permutation, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption


In today’s era, communication and sharing of information is increasing rapidly. It is important to mention that Cryptography has been used for secure communication since it is regarded an important tool to protect the information in the modern world in computer systems.

Many techniques can be used to implement the encryption like substitution and permutation or sometimes by some mathematical readability. The cipher text can be generated according to the human comprehension and readability after applying any of the aforementioned techniques.

In this research, have studied and analyzed the current limitations and challenges of cipher and algorithms context from the perspective of security design. Then, we have identified the design dimensions and components of a secure cipher application based on digital alteration technical. Then, a secure cipher application based on digital change technical was constructed and developed. At last, we tested and evaluated the user interaction in cipher application prototype based on suggested technical. Through experience, it was confirmed that the digital alteration technical is useful and easy for users who work on text encryption.




How to Cite

Jumaa, S., Ali , D. A., & Alshmmri , D. M. A. (2022). Effective Design of Secure Cipher Application Based on Digital Alteration Technical . Al-Salam Journal for Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 32–39. https://doi.org/10.55145/ajest.2023.01.01.004




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