Evaluation the effect of amitriptyline and/or ashwagandha on body weight in male rats


  • Ghada A. Taqa Department of Dental Basic Sciences, College of Dentistry. University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq
  • Ismail R. Idrees Ministry of Health, Nineveh Health Directorate, Mosul, Iraq




Amitriptyline ,Ashwagandha, body weight.


study aims to examine and compare the effects of amitriptyline and ashwagandha on body weight in male rats by measurement weight for 4 weeks after their exposure to these two compound. Materials and Methods: This study used twenty healthy adult male albino rats that were 8-10 weeks old and weighed 200-250g. The animals were randomly divided to 4 groups (n= 5 /group), Group 1:  were served as a control group received distilled water orally (1.0ml/kg) group 2: were administered amitriptyline (10mg/kg/ orally) group 3: were administered (200mg/kg) of ashwagandha root extract and group 4: were co-administered amitriptyline (10mg/kg) and ashwagandha (200mg/kg). After 30 days of administration, The body weight was measured every week starting from the first day of administration to last week of experimental for all rats. Results: According to the  one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) showed significant differences in growth value in the co-administered Amitriptyline and ashwagandha group ( 1.48±0.09) significantly  increased in comparison with control group (1.27 ± 0.04) at week 4, otherwise, there is no significant differences in growth among groups at other  periods at p value ≤0.05. Conclusion: Amitriptyline induced oxidative stress causing increased in body weight during experimental periods. Administration ashwagandha alone non-significant effect on body weight but when co-administration with amitriptyline significantly increase in body weight.




How to Cite

Taqa, G. A., & Idrees , I. . R. (2023). Evaluation the effect of amitriptyline and/or ashwagandha on body weight in male rats. Al-Salam Journal for Medical Science, 2(1), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.55145/ajbms.2023.1.1.005


